Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Ice Cream Man

Also this month an Asterix figure...
but wait to see the result!

because the tool in his hand reminds me
a bit of my favorite tool:

It's a ice-cream spoon!!
And since I love ice cream,
a new project was born...

First I cut off the big hammer.
look at this hand, like he is holding something...

and cut the top od this pincer, so it gets a bit round
by adding several layers of white wood glue on it.

From paper I did make a small hat...

yeah he looks like a real ice cream man like this!

now just work on the empty hand..

Fist drilled a small hole, than put a small part of a paperclip in it.
Then making wit putty a small cone with scoops of ice cream.

Then the primer gets on it
and here is the result with colors:

There is still a little bit of ice-cream in the spoon...
oeps to late, on his shoe now!

Well what do you think, does he look like a Ice Cream Man?

I must say, from behind the spoon looks better...

This was my 100 st blogpost, 
so celebrate with Ice Cream sounds perfect!

Well that was all folks, until next month.
Back to my Romain solders again..