Tuesday, December 31, 2019

General with Hardee hat

The last post of 2019 is my duel entry against my good Belgian friend Peter.

I called my entry "Let's see where is Santa (yeah I lost again)
This because Peter has painted him as Santa
and he has a binoculars in his hand:

The figure is 28mm scale, and made of metal.

The colors are fantasy, because his coat was bleu and grey pants.
But I choose different, maybe that did cost me votes...

 It was a nice figure to paint, and even if the uniform was 
totally wrong by color, I am satisfied with the result.

The figure is from Eagle Figures and I did buy it at
Crisis fair in Antwerp Belgium.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Joseph, Marquis de Séguiran

This month I did paint a fantastic sculped figure..
Joseph, Marquis de Séguiran, Sieur de Bouc.
Colonel du Réggiment de Maine.
Killed at the Battle of Eeckeren in 1703.

It was the free figure of Crisis 2013
made of metal and sculped by Paul Hicks
I still had it lying around in a drawer

Okay I didn't use the correct colors for his outfit,
but used fantasy ones what they could wear in 1703.

I am extremely happy how his face turned out, with eyes.
This figure is in 28 mm scale.
It was fun painting this figure.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Monk with candle

This is the third monk from the set of 5
and a nice sculp this is as well!

    In this pictures he shines more than in real

    Because of his retired life, it's not a colorful figure

Personal I like the golden candleholder a lot, 
mixed some paint to give the candle his color, not to white.
The drip wax is not very clear, but it is a very nice touch.

This is a metal figure, 28 mm.

Well thats all, still busy on some Romains as well.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lucky Luke and Rataplan

This month a cool metal set of Lucky Luke 
and his dog Rataplan.
You may have noticed that I love cartoons..

The set contains Lucky Luke standing
and a loose hand and gun, what has to be glued.
And of course his dog, all tin metal.

With strong glue the parts where put together.
and ready to get sprayed there undercoat.

Whit the hard comic colors he looked soon like
the real Lucky Luke and Rataplan.

I found this set some years ago at the event "Crisis"
in Antwerpen Belgium, and when I saw this set, I had to buy it.

It is called "Lonesome Cowboy & Dog"
made by Stronghold Terrain.
(probably because of the rights this name)

Well hope you like it as much as I do.
It was fun painting these 2 figures!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Monk with coffin

This month I want to show you another monk.
Bought these years ago at Crisis in Antwerpen.

All the photos give more shine and 
less color difference than the original figure.
The cape on his shoulders is a lot lighter than the rest.
So I guess to make another time better pictures...

The figure is from a set of 5 figures,
and has been in a drawer for a while...
The first one I did show on this blog in may 2013...
Oeps I am getting old, it's 2019 already!
Better paint the other 3 as well, and make a small vignette.
I must say, its something different than the Asterix range.
These are 28mm metal figures, and I don't know the brand.
Just because it's non violent, and nice looking, I did buy these.
So it took some time, hope it was worth waiting.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

250 Romains present...

 This month no new work, but a total overview of my Romain Solders.

Last year My goal was to have 150 before FIGZ 2018,
and this year I had as goal 200 for FIGZ 2019..

But it went very well, and in the weekend before FIGZ
I could ad my 250th solder on the scene...

It is always fun if I can buy a few new ones,
but it is getting more difficult every time.

So lets see how many I can get, and paint this year.

For now, this is what I have done until now.
Here is a small film of them all:

As you can see, it is getting a real army now!
Hope you like it as much as I do.
And If you find a Solder from this range,
I hope you think of me for that!

Now back to the painting table!
More Solders are waiting!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Naughty Witch

As the title does say, a bit of a naughty post this month.
But it must be the warm weather I presume
why this witch is wearing this outfit.

I am talking about the special FIGZ figure 2019.
For those who visit FIGZ every year my good friend Alex
does sculpt a figure in scale 1/72 in a limited edition.
This year he send me a mail, he was a bit carried away...
Now you can see what he ment....

And for me personal it was something new to paint.
Okay I admit I had a lot of fun doing her.
Hours of research for this uniform, hahaha

Not really my scale to paint, but she looks fine to me.

I did put her on a wooden pedestal, and kept it simple...

A big thanks to Alex for making this special figure.

Hope you like her, next month no nude by me, lol