Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Every year in november all Dutch children go to the harbour to see this old man
ariving to our small Dutch country.
After a long trip form Spain with his steam boat they are all glad to see him back again.
With his helping black friends (zwarte piet) he goes up the roofs every evening night,
and they put candy and gifts in the schoes of the cildren.
On the 5th of december he celebrates his birthday, and he will give everyone gifts.

So I tought it would be fun to make this famous Spanisch friend
and did make him from the Revell set 02575 Prussian Hussars:

First using the knife to cut off a few Prussian details, than remodele with simple materials.
For the mitre I used a part of a lollypopstick, for the clothes and deck I used paper napkins with woodglue.
The staf is made of iron wire, the reinds are from fishing line 0,25 mm

The roof is made of carton strips 1x5 cm, used a handy tool from my GF to rible them.
The walls are from foam, and on top I did use singles from paper.

It was realy fun to make this one, when I can find a good figure for a "zwarte piet" I will make him as well.

let's hope you all like him...

You want more info about Sinterklaas... klik here