Saturday, August 31, 2024

Mounted Wizard

This month I alsopresent a figure from 
Reeper Bones that I still had in my stash.

It's the Dwarf Mounted Battle Mage and judging
by the packaging I've had these for a while hahaha.

Just another picture without the packaging

Anyway, I wanted to make it more colorful,
as far as I can.

In itself, the figure is reasonably sculpted,
but he is really ugly placed on the horse.

In any case, the painting didn't really go super,
which made it a bit disappointing for me as well.

So after posting on my blog,
it may end up in the back of the display case, lol.

His coat also began to shine,
something I have never experienced so strongly.

Even the street I had tried to make with some
color change on the stones, 
you don't see anything of that anymore,
very unfortunate.

But it's quite a funny little figure,
not my favorite, 
so on to painting a Roman soldier again!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Sarah the Seeress

Also this month, I picked a figure from the Reaper - Bones series.

I also had this one lying around for a while,
and found it during my hunt for non-violent figures.
Of course my love for women also played a part in this choice.

While painting, I did wonder where this figure was from,
as I am totally not at home with all these different scenarios. 

With this young lady,
I just chose some colours myself, 
something I continue to find tricky.

But she looks colourful enough by my standards.

Her hair I tried to make blonde
with yellow, white and silver,
not quite top but close.

Hope you like her,
thanks for visiting my blog.

Now quickly on to Romans again,
more my preference anyway. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

More bones...

This month a figure from stock, 
no idea when I bought it, nor why.

But I wanted to test out my latest purchase, 
the Redgrass holder, 
look how nicely it fits on this!

At the bottom edge is a strong magnet
so you can place it firmly
on a metal surface,
or on the included metal plate.

The figure is not quite my taste,
I decided to make him a bit more colourful
as you would expect.

With some dark wash, he eventually became creepy....

Despite looking quite scary,
I personally did not find it a fun figure to paint.

Well hopefully in the next month a more cheerful figure,
meanwhile I will of course continue with some roman soldiers,

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


This month is all about the Eurovision Song Contest,
so I decided to do something with this because 
the Dutch entry lends itself perfectly to it....

So I went looking among my many duplicate Asterix figurines,
and finally chose the shield bearer(s)


From both figures I made a new one by swapping the arms,
this made him exactly as I had in mind.
He also got to take off his helmet.

Then some pieces of paper clip at his shoulders
and on his head in the holes I just drilled.

With greenstuff then build up the shoulder area,
and I gave him as well a nice new haircut .

Then it got its coat of primer....

After which I started mixing some blue paint by color,
something I don't normally do, but I didn't have the right color.


And while painting it came to life,
really nice painting when something becomes as you have in mind.

Tell me, this really is Joost Kleinix after all!

But I wanted to put it on a base,
so I decided to make some flags, 
just like in the music video.

Instead of four I made two, otherwise it wouldn't fit properly on the base.
Two bamboo sticks with just some paper,
with some layers of PVC glue on them, I poked into a half-cut cork.

Of course, I brought a wave into the paper,
which stayed nicely in shape after the glue dried.

Then paint the stars on all sides, which was a less fun job, 
and didn't turn out super tight either.
That European flag is not the easiest one to make.
I had doubts about making it a Dutch flag hahaha.

After sweating quite a bit, I saw nothing but stars.

After this it was time to place everything on the base,
okey the rear view is not super.

But from the side...

But from the side...

But particularly the front, yes I wanted to
him exactly would present it, mission accomplished!

I hope you guys like it,
I purposely put this post online on this day because Joost has his first semifinal,
and of course I am assuming that he will finish in the top 5 at least, 
we will see, the competition is great.

I only can say: The Netherlands 12 points!

Don't know the song Europapa yet,
despite its 24 million views on youtube,
check it out here....
This was my inspiration for this scratch project.

Hope you like it!
Thanks for visiting my blog.

12 points to the Netherlands