Saturday, March 21, 2020


Yeah another superhero this month...
"Batman" also a famous character.

Another scratch idea using the same
Romain Asterix figure from the 70ths
like I did before...

With tissue paper first I made his legs thicker
and wit normal paper the top of his boots and
his small trunk, using all white woodglue.

Also from normal paper I made the top of his gloves.
And again using white woodglue to make the paper stronger.

For the ears I had to cut the original off (sorry)
and drilled 2 holes to put a small piece of paper clip
into them, a few layers white woodglue made 
the new bat ears... (better had to made them straight)

Again my time at kindergarden was useful.
Had to use a small scissors, to cut the right shape.

This is the base of making his total mask.
With more white woodglue I made one mask of it.

The same methode I did do for his boots,
made one total boot with lots of layers glue.

Last detail was of course  his cape, same methode
all made of paper and the white woodglue.. 

And I must admit he looks a bit strange.
But sprayed some gray primer on this new guy.

I used this picture as an example.

My black paint is a bit shiny, but it looks great on him!

So what do you think?
Does he look like Batman from the comic books?
I must admit I am very satisfied with the result.
For sure I will make also a Superman someday.
I got enough extra figures on my search to Romain solders.

And of course I am painting Romains as well
so back to the painting table, hope you like this conversion!



  1. Hi Remco! I think your Batman is Awesome! You had to make so many new pieces and they all came out fantastic! I hope you stay well and keep painting those Romans! :)

  2. Ik vind hem helemaal geweldig! Hij is supergoed gelukt, knap werk!

  3. A wonderful conversion again. I like your conversions much more than the ordinary Romans ;)

  4. Goe bezig Remco! Hij is gewoon prachtig! En er zijn nog superhelden genoeg om na te maken. Iron Man bijvoorbeeld!


  5. Now that`s a kind a magic before our very eyes. Pretty Darn Cool Too. BB
