Saturday, November 17, 2018


It's november again, that's good news for the Dutch children.
Because Sinterklaas is in the Netherlands until the 5th December.
But also in the Gaul village they seems to know this character.
So the Druïde is wearing his Sinterix cloths as well.

I used this figure, who has normally a spoon in his hand.
Cut away his knife and long coat.

From a paperclip I made his "staf" and from carton his "mitter"

And from a Tissue paper a new long coat.

With some white glue I added layor on layor 
so it gets strong enough to paint it.

My wife had some handy carton attribute for
making her cards, where I cut the 2 crosses from.

And the scrap work was ready!
So I sprayed the ground layer before painting,

And with colors it really became our famous friend.

And while I am posting this blogpost the real Sinterklaas
is on television, so the children can see the boat from Spain.

In a special news item they have contact with the boat the last weeks.
And today on 17th November he is more then welcome.
Children are waiting, and singing songs, 
and hoping he can find our small country...

They almost went to England, because of the low water.

And as you can see, the boat found his way...

And soon the major could shake his hand, pffff.

  And while there is a big party going on,
I end this blogpost about my scrap figure of Sinterklaas
And some picture of my television screen.
A nice Dutch tradition I also wanted to share.

Hope you liked it!


  1. Hi Remco! I Love the glimpse of your Dutch TV with the arrival of Sinterklaas!!! I love the adaptation you made to one of the Asterix figures... it is perfect! I am glad Sinterix could join the Gauls for the Holiday! LOL! We have Santa Claus.... still so much to do before he arrives over here! (First is Thanksgiving which we celebrate this week!) I am Thankful for all my blog friends... and I still "use" the tiny clothes drying rack you sent me! It is a Treasure! Thank you again! :):)

  2. Sinterix heeft mij niets gebracht. Had men schoenen klaargezet samen met een biertje, sigaartje en een dikke wortel. De volgende morgen was het biertje leeg en de wortel en sigaar waren verdwenen. Er stak enkel een briefje in een van mijn schoenen met de volgende melding: "Poets ze zelf!" (Grapje! Maar ik wil maar zeggen, we blijven kinderen hoe groot we ook zijn!)

    Sinterix is fantastisch gemaakt! Ze zullen zeker blij geweest zijn in het dorp met zijn komst!

